Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Painting Course Post 1

Here's something I never thought to put up, a while back i signed up for one of Schoolism's painting courses and realized, heck i should post these things.  This ones from the first assignment, which was a simple black and white painting of muscle man here, the line drawing being provided by Schoolism.  I went through this one several times for practice and finally stopped after number 4 aka above pic, I went with the self taught lessons so sadly I never got a review, but I feel it turned out pretty nice.  There were 7 lessons in total so I'll be posting one every other day or so.


  1. Hey man, haven't visited your site in a while, but dude, you've been cranking out some really good work! Nice stuff!

  2. Thanks dude! It's been a while since I talked to ya, been trying to get you on MSN, so far no luck, but hopefully I'll see you online at some point.
