Friday, July 5, 2013

Painting Clouds

Been a while since I posted, got rather busy with family stuff and am now working on a project. Luckily I can somewhat keep up with these schoolism tutorials, not many left to go. This one was about handling clouds which I'll admit I don't often make time for. I went through it 3 times trying out different looks and styles for clouds, finally went with these guys.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Character Design and Walk Cycle

Character Walk Cycle from V on Vimeo.

Here's something a little different, I recently had to do an animation test for a company and this is what I ended up with. The instructions were pretty basic, rig and animate a character walk cycle. So I spent time doing a bit of concept at first to make a simple but hopefully appealing character. It ended up looking pretty good and received a better colouring later on. The program I had to use was different but easy to understand and learn, the only issue was I couldn't export using the trial version, but there are ways around that...

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Paint a Face

Next lesson, learning to paint skin. I went through this one a good 4 times trying out the process the teacher demonstrated, it's a very handy tutorial and I might go through it again just to make sure I got it right. A really useful part of this tutorial was painting eyes, It's something I never really looked into before, and I gotta say it actually turns out really nicely.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Always Learning

Still working on them painting tutorials, this one is lesson 5 where you learn to paint and render fur. I went through this one maybe 3 times just to get a better grip on the process. I like how it turned out, it certainly gives a nice look to the fur.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Oh the Layout

A forest! So pretty, I think this is the last layout I have to show and can start with posting other things. I'm glad I was able to get more experience with doing layouts, it's definitely an important area to learn.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Layout Would Ya

Another layout going up, meant for a pan left to right, I enjoyed this one for the lighting and the detailing I was able to put into the stone.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

More Layooting

Another layout that I did, I think this one took me a bit longer due to the stairs, but I can only spend so much time on them having to do several layouts everyday.